Register to attend this session where we will review songs live and provide our feedback! This is a positive forum primarily for new up and coming artists. Submit your clients, friends or your own track and register today here to find out!
Join professional radio DJs/Hosts From The Global Party (Toronto - @globalpatyradio) & United Colors (UK - @unitedcolors) both long standing dj mix shows on Rukus Avenue and Dash Radio, for a LIVE "Artist Showcase and Feedback Session" on Sun 24th Jan 2021 on Facebook Live.
We’ll be going through YOUR new tracks and providing detailed feedback and advice on how to get your music played on our radio station and other stations, in general.
This is a MUST knowledge-watch if you want your music to reach a larger audience.
If you, your clients or your friends have any new tracks you’d like us to review and featured on the show please SUBMIT to mysong@rukusavenueradio.com by Fri 22nd Jan. You don’t need to go live with us, just send your tracks in advance and tune-in on 24th Jan. We’ll be the ones talking about your new music and providing expert feedback.
Sun 24th Jan. 6pm GMT / 1pm EST / 10am PST / 10.30pm IST.
me. It's easy.